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This is where I will list all our projects. All projects have at least 1 screenshot which has been scaled down. Just remember in-game quality will be better. Report broken links by clicking the contact us button.

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-------------------------------Released Game DEMOs (4) -------------------------------
screenie Name: Spaceship Outlaws
Size: 3.10MB
Genre: Space fighting/trading sim
NEW Download: DEMO 7.2

Spaceship Outlaws is probably our furthest game to this date. It has many things to do and many hours worth of game play. You basically start out in a crappy ship and try to kill all bad ships in the area. When you destroy ships, they drop whatever cargo they have. Pick it up and sell it at the nearest space station to some quick credits. Once you earn a bunch, buy upgrades for your ship (weapons, secondary weapons, shields, and energy boosters) or buy a brand new ship. Don't want to fight people? Buy a cargo ship and start a mass trading route between two stations buying low and selling high for profit. This project has come to an ending point but is being re made using complex coding to allow reputations, friendly ships, and so much more. Check out the demo of Galaxy Alliance when it is released.
-Link changed to one that uses my new compression exe.

screenie Name: Leo's Domain
Size: 2.57MB
Genre: Puzzle/Platformer
Download: DEMO 2.4

Leo (named after my forum name "General_Leo") is a cute lil guy who has his girlfriend taken in the beginning of the game which has the player wondering who the bad guy is and what he wants with them. You take control of Leo as he travels through challenging stages that will test your reaction speeds and mind in general. This demo features a fully working boss which is quite fun to try and beat.

screenie Name: Metroid: Massive Spawn
Size: 2.67MB
Genre: Action/Platformer
Download: DEMO 3.2

Metroid Massive Spawn was my very first "main" project for Game Maker. I loved the game Super Metroid so I wanted to make a game similar to it. In M:MS you can travel to a bunch of different planets (2 currently setup) each with it's own entire environment. On Sitka Prime, there are many areas and types of enemies along with a boss somewhere deep within the planet. This project has come to an ending point but may be re-made later using up-to-date coding. Minimal amount of messups/bugs in this version.

screenie Name: Bert
Size: 1.25MB
Genre: Platformer
Download: Beta DEMO

This is a platform engine demo i'm currently working on. It's an attempt to make a platformer where the player is made of many drawn objects for his/her body parts making it very easy to change parts of him/her in-game. This means in something like a story mode, I could make him/her look up or make him smile. Maybe even change the looks of certain body parts with powerups. This is also my first high resolution game where I'm drawing all my own graphics.

-----------------------------Released Non-Game DEMOs (3)-----------------------------
screenie Name: Anger Test
Size: 975KB
Genre: None
Download: Version 1

This funny little program asks some questions to see your anger management level. Just stay calm!

screenie Name: FPS Test
Size: 971KB
Genre: Utility
Download: Version 1

A good little utility that tests your FPS and gives you a score accordingly. I usually get 450-550 before I start to get lag with a total score of about 1700. Some lower end computers may get about 200-300ish before some lag and a total of 800-900ish. I've seen some people get about 1000 before some lag and 2500 total which means they have a GOOD comp. lol.

screenie Name: Eye Trainer
Size: 930KB
Genre: None
Download: Version 1

This scores you on your hand eye coordination. It shows a dot that changes into an arrow. If it changes to an arrow pointing left, push left on your keyboard...ect. Getting the wrong buttons makes the program just keep going till it has a good idea of what your score is. My best is only 251 which should give you a good idea of where you stand. Here is the top 10 scores on the GMC when this was released:

1.) pinguinpanic (189)
2.) Kindred (190)
3.) Calvary3a1 (201)
4.) Jdream (211)
5.) necromancer_productions (219)
6.) adamsucks (228)
7.) Ludamad (231)
8.) Shinnoki (239)
9.) Joshoakley (241)
10.) maarten (242)
Average score from GMC: 252

-----------------------------Non-Released Games (3)-----------------------------
All filesizes change all the time and are an average ONLY.
screeniescreenie Name: Pokemon Teal
Size: 1.1MB
Genre: Pokemon clone

Pokemon Teal is my pokemon clone made after Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald series. Graphics were all ripped and touched up/edited by me. Currently has a basic town and very basic parts of battles including trainer battles and wild battles. Working on connecting battles to the game, pokemon menu, items and pokemon options inbattle, and many other minor things. Not many bugs as of now.

screenie Name: Legend of Zelda-Link's Vacation
Size: 1.7MB
Genre: Legend of Zelda clone

I've always wanted to make a "Link to the past" type game but never got around to it. I got bored the other night and finally started working on this. I ripped a ton of graphics and went through making ALOT of changes/touch ups and creating a tileset out of them. I have alot of things done like the GUI (on-screen info) all done. Needs alot of work but still looks and feels like a zelda game.

screenie Name: Galaxy Alliance (SO2)
Size: 1.5MB
Genre: Space fighting/trading sim

This is Spaceship Outlaws remake. I'm remaking almost eveythin now that i'm a more experienced scripter. GA will have advanced AI, factions, reputation with the factions, TONS of things to buy and all new effects. This is defenetly a "can't miss" project. You simply just have to try it when it's released.

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